Blue Ridge Parkway
08/16/2024 08:30 AM - 05:00 PM ET
- $15.00
Meet at Holly Springs Store
US178 and SC11
Pickens, SC
Room Number: Gravel Parking Lot
US178 and SC11
Pickens, SC
Room Number: Gravel Parking Lot
The Blue Ridge Parkway - The Expected, The Unexpected and Cooler Temperatures!
Friday, August 16, 2024 Field Trip
Escape the heat of the Piedmont in mid-August!
Please join us on Friday, August 16, 2024 for a field trip to the Blue Ridge Parkway. We will drive a loop with several stops by going up US178 and 215 and then coming down on US276 and back. We will be traveling in one or two 15-passenger rental vans, at a cost of $15 per person. To secure a reservation and save your seat click green registration button above. Meet up will be at 8:30 am in the gravel parking lot at Holly Springs Store at the intersection of US 178 and SC 11. No tag along vehicles permitted for safety reasons.
Trip leaders are Dan Whitten and Rick Huffman.